Thursday 10 October 2024

The Silent Struggle: Why Crime Syndicates Don’t Want You to Eat


In an age where we often discuss mental health, financial stability, and personal safety, there are darker forces at play that can exacerbate these issues. My experiences have shown me that some crime syndicates may target individuals like myself, seeking to undermine our health and well-being in a calculated manner. One of the most alarming aspects of this targeting is the insidious relationship between food insecurity and organized crime.

The Connection Between Crime and Health

At first glance, it might seem puzzling why a crime syndicate would care about whether an individual can access food. However, the reality is that by creating financial distress and instilling fear, they aim to weaken their targets physically and mentally. When you’re unable to maintain your health, it becomes easier for them to exert control.

The Strategy of Harassment

After taking on loans, I began facing relentless harassment. The calls, the stalking, the sense of being watched—these are tactics designed to destabilize your life. The goal? To create an environment where simple tasks, like buying groceries, become sources of anxiety and fear. When I’m stressed and unable to eat properly, my health deteriorates. This vulnerability is what they thrive on.

Why Targeting Health Matters

Maintaining good health, including having sufficient blood and energy, is crucial for resilience against external pressures. By targeting my ability to eat and stay healthy, these syndicates are not just attempting to control me; they’re attempting to diminish my very existence. The intention is clear: they want me to grow old before my time, become weak, and ultimately lose the will to fight back.

The Consequences of This Tactic

The implications of this strategy are profound. Without proper nutrition, the body begins to suffer. Lack of blood and essential nutrients can lead to a host of health issues, both physical and psychological. The longer this situation persists, the more difficult it becomes to regain control over one’s life.

Raising Awareness and Finding Strength

It’s essential to raise awareness about these manipulative tactics employed by crime syndicates. Recognizing that this is not just a personal struggle but a systemic issue can empower others facing similar challenges.

If you find yourself in a situation where financial troubles are compounded by harassment and fear, remember that you are not alone. Seeking support—whether through local organizations, community groups, or mental health professionals—can help you reclaim your narrative.


The fight against crime syndicates is not just about confronting them; it’s about reclaiming your health and well-being. By understanding the connection between their tactics and our health, we can better navigate these challenges and find pathways to resilience. Don’t let them win. Prioritize your health, seek support, and take back control over your life.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Tech that could save us from nuclear war or make intraplanet vacation possible

....I just want to scribble my ideas here.. no formal writing, so please bear with me.

Many have failed to solve the mystery of Bermuda triangle for decades or recent disappearance of mh370(aeroplane). I believe I found the cause. Random formation of black holes due to extreme weather conditions are the cause of mysterious disappearances.

So how can it save us from nuclear war? We create artificial conditions to create black holes that are directed and use radar system to detect incoming nuclear warheads and make them disappear out of the thin air like in Bermuda triangle.

I think solving the puzzle of blackholes(and wormholes) may help us to achieve super-fast travel without much energy. For example, places like Bermuda triangle where mysterious disappearances have been observed will show us the way to create black holes. These places are known for extreme weather conditions and may be frequent black holes are created by way of lightning hitting water vapor atoms etc.,(ideal condition may be).

This was the reason behind the documented evidences of so called UFO/alien crafts being able to shift direction in any angle at incredible speeds unlike curve shape in propulsion based vehicles.

Some of the crazy implications of this technology.
What If US has it? US will use it to move Kim, and Other north Korean elite to CIA detention centers within seconds and there is no need for negotiations.

What if North Korea has it? 
NK will use it deploy nuclear warhead in US as they don't have to struggle with long range missile technology.

Many countries spend billions of dollars for defense purpose. I hope I will get high paying remote job so I will have enough money and time to contribute positively to save us from nuclear war. Don’t think only qualified candidates can solve complex problems.

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Freedom of flight

      I have come across a few youtube videos talking about anti-gravity/ levitation recently. As usual,  I stuck up with a super crazy brilliant idea. It's all about flying without any energy source.

We all may have seen bumblebee/beetle flying around at some point.  As per laws of aerodynamics either beetle or bumblebee can't fly yet they are flying.  Some people call it levitation and it's all in the mysterious wings of the beetle which creates a levitation effect. 

Since I have come across the term "Levitation" I  searched everywhere for a proper definition which describes how anti-gravity can be generated. Since there is no definition I am defining one of many ways to create anti-gravity in the earth atmosphere. 

"Anti-gravity or levitation is achieved when you apply a charge to spinning mass. Up or down depends on a positive or negative charge. Mostly Ferro magnetic supper conductors are suitable metals that's why ancient flying saucers has mercury in it. "

-- Sateesh Peetha, 15-Jan-2019,11:30 AM

We may use the above technique or follow the natural way of the beetle flies. It's easy to collect around 1000 beetles and get the wings and stick it to man-made big wings and attach it to the human body and oscillate like the insects do.

So, to conclude I have new hopes of flying after 6 years of never-ending research which is promising or motivation for the next few years.

Sunday 16 December 2018

Mission Impossible - How to grow taller after puberty? PART -1

I used to have same question when I was in High School. I tried many things like drinking milk/ Horlicks, Complain etc, or pull ups but no use. I tried many ways then with no luck. May be I don't have access to Internet then or how to search google. But today I am very proud that I achieved my childhood dream myself despite several challenges.

    One of the biggest challenge is the belief system maintained by some unknown who wanted humans to believe that growing taller is impossible after puberty. For me challenge is not actually growing but to face challenges from the system and the people who tortured me a lot in the past 6 years.

Ok. Let me go straight to the point. Yes, its absolutely possible but it takes several years of work and patience. I am going to tell real secret in the upcoming post but for now below are the basic stuff you need to follow.

1. Eat well and highly nutritious food.
2. Sleep well.
3. Lead stress free life.
4. Be calm all the time  with no aggression or anger.    

Monday 14 August 2017

Sea based water purification system cum power generation

Just sharing the simple idea that can be used to generate power and build water purification system on sea. Have not studied extensively on the details but can be implemented easily. This system can be easily implemented in dubai, abu dhabi etc.

1. Collect water from sea tides.
2. Use big magnifying glass to boil the water to generate steam.
3. Use steam power generators to produce electricity.
4. Collect the left over steam and cool it using the same sea tides. Use the conventional piping system to supply this pure water.

Friday 14 October 2016


So called god perfected the art of propaganda and put his army to control resources and services to limit the free will of humankind.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Balloon Freight

Many big and small businesses, Industries, E-commerce ventures, Supermarkets,Fruits, and Vegetable stalls rely on point to point goods carriers regularly. Most of this transportation mode depends on oil, an enemy of the environment. Like cable car in many vacation spots, a simple point to point transportation can be made easily with helium balloons.

For example 
  •  some industry located near to shipyard may depend on raw material delivery to manufacturing site
  • Unloading and loading of cargo from remote site
  • Between mining site to processing unit..
  • Vegetables and fruits delivery to selling stalls.
  • Cold storage/ Commercial warehouse to supermarkets/ or  e-commerce local delivery hubs.
  • Between B2B trade, Manufacturing site to shopping store..
In a nutshell this simple idea can greatly enhance profitability, promote eco environment, and reduce oil dependency. 

GO GREEN -- dingger(re-thinker) quest..


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